The Neighborhood

Beacon Hill Townhomes

Located in the historic Beacon Hill neighborhood. Part of a 50-unit condominium townhome development facing Beacon Hill Commons, within walking distance of Hospital Hill.

Urban Life | Eco Style

The Beacon Hill Townhomes allow residents to enjoy all of the excitement of an urban setting, while at the same time offering the cost savings and environmental benefits of green living.

Boveri Realty Group

For more information on Beacon Hill Townhomes, contact Christina Boveri.

Water Efficient Landscaping

The landscaping designed for the residence entries utilizes native plantings which are naturally drought tolerant. Most of the plantings are located in rain gardens designed to capture rainwater and sustain plantings for an extended period of time. This captured rainwater would otherwise be discharged into the city storm sewer system, adding rainwater to the already stressed system. In addition to the rain gardens, each town home has two rain barrels attached to the roof drainage system. These rain barrels will capture additional rain and can be used for supplemental watering of plants and lawn areas. With this design, the cost of city water used for watering landscape can be significantly reduced or eliminated.

Green Features