The Neighborhood

Beacon Hill Townhomes

Located in the historic Beacon Hill neighborhood. Part of a 50-unit condominium townhome development facing Beacon Hill Commons, within walking distance of Hospital Hill.

Urban Life | Eco Style

The Beacon Hill Townhomes allow residents to enjoy all of the excitement of an urban setting, while at the same time offering the cost savings and environmental benefits of green living.

Boveri Realty Group

For more information on Beacon Hill Townhomes, contact Christina Boveri.

Energy Star Appliances

The appliances in this kitchen have been selected to reduce water and energy usage and save on utility costs. Specifically, both the refrigerator and the dishwasher carry the Energy Star label which indicates that these appliances use less energy and save on utility bills than standard appliances. These appliances meet the requirements for Energy Star Homes.

Green Features